

OWC works with local communities through its  ‘Act Local, Be Global’ initiatives, which directly link local action to the global development goals.

In 2016, OWC was  supported  by Lotterywest to deliver this community engagement program to three different organisational partners and their participating communities:

  • A local government – The Town of Bassendean
  • A peak body community association – Linkwest
    • William Langford Community House (selected participating community)
  • A multicultural organisation – ISHAR Multicultural Women’s Health Centre

The joint celebration of all three projects took place in February 2017.  You can learn more about each individual project by viewing our videos at:  One World Centre YouTube  or by reading the story at:  Act Local – Be Global Community Story

The Act local, Be Global project is suitable for people from diverse backgrounds and from all walks of life. The processes used help people to work together and learn from each other. The project methodology is designed to draw out rich stories and experiences and enable communities to turn these stories into ideas, visions and actions.

For more information see  OWC-Community Engagement Flyer

Check this site for updates on our community collaboration  project with Bassendean Council  Act Local Be Global

If you have a community project you would like to share or you would like to find out more about our  Act Local, Be Global projects please contact us

 COMMUNITY CENTRE – Come in and visit us 

The One World Centre is  a community centre and also contains a specialist  library.  The  library collection  is focused on the themes of social justice, human rights, identity and cultural diversity, globalisation perspectives and sustainable futures.

The centre and resource library are open to community members and community organisations on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. It is a place to meet friends, share stories, knowledge and experiences, and to discuss ideas.


One World Centre is a founding member of the WA SDG Network and played an active part in the Perth workshop on “Making the SDGs real and rewarding to West Australians – A video of this engaging event with ideas for how West Australians can engage is available for viewing at


What is CIVICUS?

CIVICUS is an international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society around the world by: Protecting the rights of civil society; strengthening civil society good practices; and increasing the influence of civil society.

Why did the OWC join CIVICUS?

OWC recognises that in todays interconnected world no group is an island and we must stay connected with diverse groups and individuals to stay relevant. We are keen to be part of a larger movement for global education and learning on peace, social justice and sustainable development. Joining CIVICUS connects us better with global civil society and helps us tap in to its activities resources and initiatives for change. For more information see

Partnerships for the SDGs Register – is a way to register your concrete plan to contribute your small part to the implementation of one or more of the SDGs at  the online form is user friendly but for more background on what is required see . The One World Centre is currently preparing an initiative for the SDGs related to developing a resource kit and professional development workshop on the SDGs.