Events 2015

Events 2015


“17 Goals for One World: Making it real”

An entertaining evening of lively discussion and interaction on the new sustainable development goals. Facilitated by Dr Peter Devereux and Elaine Lewis
The new Sustainable Development Goals agreed by 193 countries! How can we make it real?
What if? … The One World Centre was working with you and other West Australian communities and organisations to connect with the world in a spirit of inspiration and hope.
“17 Goals for One World” will be an enjoyable, informative and thought-provoking get-together. It will include an interactive session, drawing out global and local interactions for justice and sustainability.This will be followed by a short AGM that will review One World Centre’s challenges and opportunities and seek collective engagement and support for its future work. You are needed to make this real!
One World Centre’s AGM this year wants collective action to take centre stage in 2015-2016, as together we think what “17 Goals for One World” means for our work and our vibrant community of supporters, members and friends.

When: Friday 30 October 2015. 5:30 -7:30pm
Venue: Southcare hall cnr Bickley Cres and Pether Rd, Manning
RSVP:, 9371 9133 by 26 October
Cost: $20 and $15 concession
Drinks and Nibbles provided.17_SDG new fun image









‘He Named Me Malala’ is an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the Taliban and severely wounded by a gunshot when returning home on her school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley.  The then 15-year-old (she is now 18) was singled out, along with her father, for advocating for girls’ education, and the attack on her sparked an outcry from supporters around the world. She miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls’ education globally as co-founder of the Malala Fund.

Acclaimed documentary film maker Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) shows us how Malala, her father Zia and her family are committed to fighting for education for all girls worldwide. The film gives us an inside glimpse into this extraordinary young girl’s life – from her close relationship with her father who inspired her love for education, to her impassioned speeches at the United Nations, to her everyday life with her parents and brothers.

“One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.” – Malala

purchase online at:

OR contact Joe Courtney, 92275746




Fremantle Oxfam Group Quiz Night

Fabulous Quiz Night for those who like to challenge their brain and help others at the same time!


Tickets available from:

by phone from Cliff: 9339 6452

Fremantle Oxfam Shop:
22 Queen St, Fremantle (Cash only)
Ph: 9336 3111

Click here for more information:  quiz poster Oxfam 2015


presented by
Leo Kerr

Date: Friday 9th October 2015
Place: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater
Time: 6 -7pm (presentation followed by time to chat).
Tickets: $10 waged $8 unwaged
Book through:

This is a no frills presentation. Bring your own drinks and snacks as you require.
Do come a little earlier and check out the Fair Trade shop

electric car


About the speaker

The My Electric Car website was developed by Leo Kerr in 2009 having had his Mitsubishi Mirage converted to electric in 2008. This site is an information site on EVs. As a life member of Men of The Trees in Western Australia since 1988, Leo has a keen environmental interest and was founder or co-founder of a number of Men of The Trees initiatives including, The Million Tree Program (1990), The Children’s Forest (1999) and Carbon Neutral (2001). “When you drive electric, you know you are experiencing what the future holds for transport – it just makes sense. No toxic emissions, quiet and cheap to run. I purchase green energy and have solar panels on the roof at home. Burning oil to power a vehicle is an inexcusable waste of a precious resource. From an energy security standpoint, from environmental and health perspectives, the sooner we transition to electric the better.”

About the topic

The presentation will discuss Electric Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles (driver less cars) and the disruption these technologies will have on the automobile and oil industries. It will cover the electric cars currently available in Australia and what we should expect over the next few years. The presentation topics will range from horse manure to the demise of the traffic cop.

Click here to down load a flyer for this event:  Leo Kerr Flyer



How do we teach 21st century

students about war responsibly? 


The One World Centre and the Medical Association for Prevention of War will present a 2 hour workshop for lower secondary History Teachers. Teachers often feel conflicted about teaching war history in the secondary classroom. This workshop provides teachers with a new resource produced by the History Teachers Association of Victoria, which aims to support teachers who want to inspire critical understanding of the real and lasting impact of war on veterans, civilians and society. Participants will receive a digital copy of the resource which has been designed to align with the Australian Curriculum: History.


Tuesday 20th October, 2015
at the One World Centre
King William Street, Bayswater
Cost: $10

The workshop will be introduced by BRIAN CLEAVER, who featured in David Bradbury’s recent film The Crater – a Vietnam war story”.

Register at OR contact Leigh,

Click here to download a copy of the flyer:  Enduring Effects Flyer


The third in the Speakers Series is coming up on 11 September.

September’s topic is:  Who do we think we are?
presented by Ramdas Sankaran


The One World Centre is very fortunate to have Ramdas Sankaran as the presenter for the Friday 11th September Speakers Series.

Ramdas is the Executive Director of the Multicultural Services Centre of WA and a former President of the Ethnic Communities Council of WA and Dy Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Management and the Australian Association of Social Workers.

Awarded Western Australian Premier’s Multicultural Ambassadors Award, 2003; “in recognition of his exceptional leadership in advancing multiculturalism, human rights and anti-racism at state and Commonwealth levels.” Awarded Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the general division in 2011 for “service to multiculturalism, and to the community of  Western Australia.

His presentation is titled Who do we think we are? More information and booking details are available on the attached flyer.

Date: Friday 11th September 2015
Place: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater
Time: 6 -7pm (presentation followed by time to chat).
Tickets: $10 waged $8 unwaged
Book through

This is a no frills presentation. Bring your own
This is a no frills presentation. Bring your own drinks and snacks.
Do come a little earlier and check out the Fair Trade shop.

Ramdas Sankaran Speakers Series flyer

After the resounding success of the first event in the Speaker Series  the next  event is coming up quickly.



Writing Myself into Knowing

or reflections on being Vulnerable.


A presentation by Dr Joy Denise Scott on everyday complexities of her life as a university teacher in Shanghai: exploring what it means to live on the borderlands psychologically, socially and culturally.

Date: Friday 14th August 2015
Place: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater
Time: 6 -7 pm (presentation followed by time to chat).
Tickets: $10 waged $8 unwaged
Book through

This is a no frills presentation. Bring your own drinks and snacks.
Do come a little earlier and check out the Fair Trade shop.

Click here for the flyer: Joy Scott flyer   



Film Fundraiser: “Walking the Camino”

3pm @Luna Cinema, Cnr Oxford and Vincent Sts, Leederville

Sunday 21st June, 2015 


Walking the Camino is a total immersion experience that captures the trials and tribulations associated with a group of modern pilgrims who decide to walk the ancient path, the Camino de Santiago. This sacred path stretches westward across Spain to the city of Santiago de Compostela where the bones of the apostle St. James are said to be buried.

Walking The Camino: Six Ways To Santiago chronicles the life-altering journey of six modern-day pilgrims as they cope with blisters, exhaustion, loneliness, and self-doubt on their Camino de Santiago trek. Walking The Camino is guaranteed to magnetically immerse you in the struggles and victories of adventurers from all walks of life.

Cost: $20 full price, $15 unwaged

To book:

Enquiries: Joe Courtney, 92275746

Click here to download a flyer for this event. (PDF)


Global Citizenship Unpacked

A whole day workshop especially for pre-service teachers

10am – 3.30pm @ the One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater

Monday 29th June, 2015 


  • Increase your knowledge of pressing global issues, and how they are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
  • Participate in a wide range of practical activities exploring global themes: interdependence; social justice and human rights; identity and cultural diversity; peace building and conflict resolution; sustainable futures.
  • Work together to develop lesson plans in particular areas of interest.
  • Take away ideas and resources ready to use in the classroom.
  • Includes a one year membership of the One World Centre.

Cost: $30, BYO lunch or buy nearby

To register:

Enquiries: Cameron Tero – or phone 9371 9133

Click here to download a flyer for this event (PDF)