Events 2016
“Achieving the Universal Sustainable Development Goals: insights and stories from the US”
with Peter Newman
Fresh from his recent US tour, Peter will share some of his experiences and latest thinking on sustainability. Peter’s presentation continues the One World Centre’s focus on the Sustainable Development Goals.
See: and
WHEN? 11am, Saturday, 8 October 2016
WHERE? One World Centre, 5 King William St, Bayswater
Entry by donation.
RSVP:, Thursday 6 October
Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University and Director of the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute. He has had a longstanding passion for making cities sustainable with a focus on transport and land use. His achievements are long and varied culminating in being awarded an Order of Australia in 2014 for his contributions to urban design and sustainable transport, particularly related to the saving and rebuilding of Perth’s rail system. Read more about Peter here:
Download flyer here: owc_peternewman_agm-oct2016_v1-0
Stay for lunch at noon to be followed by the One World Centre Annual General Meeting at 1pm.
Download AGM details here: agm-notification-2016_v1-0
An evening of good food and interesting listening!
The journey towards sustainability: An evening with Lindsay Miles
Enjoy a sumptuous dinner with drinks provided as the One World Centre’s focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, see takes a more personal emphasis. Hear Lindsay share her personal journey towards living a more sustainable lifestyle.
WHEN? From 6pm, Saturday, 27 August 2016
WHERE? One World Centre, 5 King William St, Bayswater
TICKETS? $30 or $25 unwaged and Friends of One World Centre
purchase online at:
Download flyer here: lindsaymiles_dinner_2016flyerV1.1
OWC is attending an event:
Community Expo Wired for Science
CREEC: Canning River Eco Education Centre
Kent St, Wilson
10am -3pm
21 August 2016
Come along and join us and learn how to create a simple water filter, learn about the sustainable development goals and test your knowledge about water use.
Lots of other interesting and inspiring activities to participate in.
Join us Thursday 7 July for a local celebration of NAIDOC Week
Download the flyer here: DK Reconciliation Walk
New Presenters Information Session
All interested applicants will be invited to attend an in house information session.
Why: to provide you with information about being an OWC Professional Learning Presenter and about the One World Centre and the complementary resources available in the OWC library.
When: Wednesday 17 February 2016, 4.00-‐5.30pm.
Where: One World Centre, 5 King William St, Bayswater.
To further information or to register your interest please contact Lynne on:
For further information about the One World Centre please go to: .