International Day for Biological Diversity
Biodiversity in Western Australia
One World Centre Resources
Related Curriculum Content and Codes

22 May is International Day for Biological Diversity 2016

Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part. This day helps us focus on how dependent we are on biodiversity for our survival and quality of life.” (from Global Education Website)
Biodiversity is the foundation for life and for the essential services provided by ecosystems. It therefore underpins peoples’ livelihoods and sustainable development in all areas of activity, including economic sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism, among others. By halting biodiversity loss, we are investing in people, their lives and their well-being.” (From The Convention on Biological Diversity)
To find out about International Day for Biological Diversity go to
For some useful fact sheets, look at the Convention on Biological Diversity Website 

Biodiversity in Western Australia

Did you know, the South West Australia Ecoregion (SWAE) is a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, one of only 34 in the world and the only one in Australia?
According to the World Wildlife Fund, “Global biodiversity “hotspots” are the richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life on Earth. The SWAE is a vital and valuable part of Earth’s natural heritage. Conservation of its biodiversity is the responsibility of all Australians.” (WWF SWAE Biodiversity Hotspot)
This WWF booklet contains information about the South West Australia Ecoregion: SOUTH WEST AUSTALIA ECOREGION: Jewel of the Australian Continent

One World Centre Resources

In the One World Centre resources on Forests, biodiversity is explored in relation to
  • cultural perspectives
  • biological and cultural systems
  • landscapes and land management
  • development
  • interdependence
  • climate change
  • sustainability and sustainable futures
  • social justice and human rights
Is suitable for primary and lower secondary students. Through inquiry learning activities students are encouraged to develop their own understandings of forest issues; to develop a range of literacy, numeracy, mapping, scientific and research skills; to explore their values and recognise the validity of different points of view; and to participate in action at the local level. It includes activities for the Curriculum Areas Geography, History, Science, Mathematics, English and Design and Technology.
Is suitable for secondary students (7-10) . The booklet uses information, maps, graphs, photographs and data to develop understanding about forests, the uses made of them and the actions taken to manage them sustainably.

Related Curriculum Content and Codes

HASS: Geography
Biomes and Food Security
The distribution and characteristics of biomes as regions with distinctive climates, soils, vegetation and productivity (ACHGK060)
The ways that humans in the production of food and fibre have altered some biomes (e.g. through vegetation clearance, drainage, terracing, irrigation) (ACHGK061)
The challenges to food production, including land and water degradation, shortage of fresh water, competing land uses, and climate change for Australia and the world (ACHGK063)

Biological Sciences
Year 7
Classification helps organise the diverse group of organisms (ACSSU111)
Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions (ACSSU112)
Year 9 Ecosystems
Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent organisms and abiotic components of the environment; matter and energy flow through these systems (ACSSU176)