Events 2019

One World Centre Workshops and Events 2019





  • Wednesday 23 October. 2.00-4.00pm. Millennium Kids. Green Lab Biome Panel. Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre.


OWC Movie Night Fundraiser


OWC are holding our first movie night fundraiser. The film that will be shown is “Tomorrow” – Filmmakers Mélanie Laurent and Cyril Dion travel worldwide to investigate concrete solutions to environmental and social challenges.

OWC Movie Night—Friday 6 December 2019
6pm for 6.30pm start

$15 donation to cover venue and refreshments provided


Chairs and cushions provided. Bring your own beanbag or cushion if you prefer.


Film info:

5 King William Street, Bayswater (behind the Oxfam Shop)



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives through the Science Elaborations

Chemical and Biological Sciences Curriculum in the Primary Years – Implementing the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspective through the Science Elaborations

In this workshop Dr Elaine Lewis will provide hands-on classroom examples of how to implement the Chemical and Biological Sciences Curriculum in the Primary years through the perspective of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Science Elaborations and Cross Curriculum Priority.

This workshop links with Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) & 16 (Justice).

Wednesday 13 November, 2019

One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater WA

3.30 – 5.00pm

(3.30-4.00pm for networking and afternoon tea; 4-5pm workshop)

COST: $10 members & subscribers; $20 others

Register through trybooking:


Please contact or 93719133 for further information or inquiries.



Taking an integrated STEM journey in Early Childhood

Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals

A “Focus on STEM, especially in the early years” was considered imperative as a school priority this year, as stated in Directions for Schools: Focus 2019 by the Director General of the Department of Education of Western Australia. This presentation provides classroom examples of how to implement an effective and empowering STEM (Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics) program in Early Childhood. The workshop will elucidate the planning, implementation and evaluation processes involved in embedding not only an early years STEM program, but a STEAM (Science, Digital and Design Technologies, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) program.  Project results include evidence of effective and meaningful embedding of STEAM, positive stakeholder feedback, conservation links and high levels of student engagement.  Furthermore, links with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will be addressed.  Finally, future directions for school leadership, teacher education and school relationships with other organisations will be discussed.

Wednesday 30 October

3.30-5.00pm (3.30-4pm for networking and afternoon tea; 4-5pm workshop)

 One World Centre, 5 King William Street, BAYSWATER WA

 COST: $10 members & subscribers; $20 others



For further information contact the One World Centre – or phone (08) 9371 9133



Wednesday 23rd October 2019, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre, Leach Highway, Murdoch.

Some Councils in the Perth metropolitan area have 60% hard surfaces, including
carparks and roads. Millennium Kids interviewed over 500 young people across the Perth Metropolitan area and they are concerned about canopy loss, urban heat island effect, climate change and biodiversity loss. Kids want a clean, green future. Help MKI, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and Council stakeholders construct new ways of thinking around protecting,monitoring and increasing canopy across the Perth metropolitan area.

Join Prof Lyn Beazley, AO FAA FTSE, Dr Danielle Brady, Stephen Breen,
Dr Elaine Lewis and Griffin Longley, to explore how your school bushland is an
opportunity for a best practise, interconnected series of Green Lab Biomes
and have input on a big picture vision.

Tickets Free, Register at
Email or call 0418923968
for more information.

Click here for GREEN LAB BIOME PANEL flyer


Join us for a Dinner and Panel Conversation

‘The Climate Emergency: What can you do? What can we do?’

With Paddy Cullen (Conservation Council), Tim Muirhead (CSD Network) and Nicole McEwan (Extinction Rebellion)

It is easy to be overwhelmed when global warming and the climate emergency is mentioned; however, it is possible that we can be part of the transformation that is urgently needed. Come along to be inspired, share ideas and be part of the growing community taking action.

This supports Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action; Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

When? 7pm, Saturday 5 October 2019.

Where? One World Centre 5 King William Street Bayswater.

Tickets are limited so booking is required!

Cost is by donation (recommended min. $30 waged)

Click here to register online to book through Trybooking. 


For more details contact Joe Courtney :

Dinner and drinks provided. Funds raised will be used to support environmental resources for teachers to use in the classroom.

This event will be preceded by the One World Centre AGM at 6pm – you are very welcome to join us.

Click here for the event flyer




Chemical Science Curriculum in the Primary Years



Implementing the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspective through the Science Elaborations

In this workshop Dr Elaine Lewis will provide hands-on classroom examples of how to implement the Chemical Science Curriculum in the Primary years through the perspective of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Science Elaborations and Cross Curriculum Priority.

This workshop links with Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) & 16 (Justice).

Thursday 4 July, 2019

One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater WA

3.30 – 5.00pm

(3.30-4.00pm for networking and afternoon tea; 4-5pm workshop)

COST: $10 members & subscribers; $20 others

Register through trybooking:


Please contact or 93719133 for further information or inquiries.



Nanga SDGS Weekend: Connecting People and Planet

Fri 26 – Sun 28 July 2019.



Dwellingup’s beautiful forest, 1.5 hours from Perth, gives the chance to reconnect with nature and each other. Participatory workshop includes: mindfulness activities, understanding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), What is complexity? What is systems change?, building a common agenda, and exercises for designing collaborative solutions amongst different organisations to build a sustainable future for all. Friday evening to Sunday early afternoon.

One World Centre, the WA SDG Network and ACFID are using the SDGs as a framework for personal and societal transformational change by:

Thinking Systemically, Working Collaboratively,

Capturing impact, and Going Beyond Business as Usual.

Facilitated by Dr Peter Devereux with input from Dr Kathryn Choules, Berlin’s Dr Sonja Geiger and WA SDG Network members sharing their experience and expertise

Cost: $220 waged $140 volunteers/unwaged covering workshop, simple accommodation at Nanga Bush Camp, and meals.

Registration – Limited space!

To register

Early Bird: pay by April 15 and pay $200 waged or $120 vols/unwaged

Enquires – email Dr Peter Devereux





Mindfulness and Sustainable Consumption: From Research to Practice.

Conversations with Dr Sonja Geiger



Dr Geiger specialises in the area of cognitive psychology and sustainable consumption. She has been working in various research projects aimed at the determinants of sustainable behaviours and the design of according environmental educational interventions at the Ulm University and the Technische Universität Berlin.

In the research project BiNKA (German acronym for Education for sustainable education through mindfulness training) the TU research team explored different potentials of mindfulness meditation for raising people´s holistic awareness of the consequences of our collective consumption patterns and promoting to change them towards more sustainable ones. In the workshop she will present some research results and practical guidance on how to use specific meditation exercises aimed on sustainable consumption for adolescents age 14-18.


One World Centre, 5 King William Street, BAYSWATER WA

Wednesday 31 July

12.30-2pm Lunch and Conversations

$10 members & subscribers; $20 others (Volunteers free)

Register through Trybooking:

Further information and inquiries email

or phone (08) 9371 9133.

[EVENT FLYER: Mindfulness and Sustainable Consumption]



Implementing the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Cross Curriculum Priority … through conversations with Marissa and Mark



Marissa Verma from Bindi Bindi Dreaming and Mark Tucek from Tucker Bush will share their knowledge about their Bush Tucker Schools Program – Specialised knowledge in helping schools establish an edible garden and planting plants such as lemon myrtle, saltbush, rivermint and many more. As part of this program there is also a cultural presentation to gain more knowledge about the plants from an Aboriginal perspective and linking it to the Six Seasons connection.

   Start Term 3 with an inspiring, practical and enlightening PL!



One World Centre, 5 King William Street, BAYSWATER WA

Thursday 8th August at 3.30pm.

3.30-4pm afternoon tea & networking; 4 – 5pm workshop.

$10 members & subscribers; $20 others

Bookings though trybooking


Further information or enquiries email or phone  (08) 9371 9133.

[EVENT FLYER: Bush Tucker Schools]



Join us for a dinner and conversation with JOSEPHINE ZIMAMA

“Creating healthy pathways for our youth”

Josephine is the Youth Director of the Organisation of African Communities (OAC) WA, among other voluntary roles including STOP the Violence Campaign launched through OAC and a train the trainer program for African youth. She is currently assisting with ‘Let’s Make it Happen’ program, a school-based mentoring program. Josephine will draw on her journey of growing up in Australia and issues she faced as a former refugee from South Sudan to share her passion for creating opportunities for empowering young people. “A lot of what I do involves supporting African initiatives that are built on encouraging African youth to develop skills and showcase their talents and create networks”.

It also demonstrates our commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and Goal 11: Inclusive communities).

WHEN? From 6pm, Friday, 22 February 2019.

WHERE? One World Centre 5 King William St Bayswater.



COST? by donation through Trybooking (recommended min. $30 waged)


Dinner and drinks provided. Funds raised will be used to support cross cultural education

One World Centre Inc 5 King William St, Bayswater

For more details contact Joe Courtney. (Email. 92275746)

Phone (08) 9371 9133 email website:


Biological Science Curriculum in the Primary Years: Implementing the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspective through the Science Elaboration



In this workshop, Dr Elaine Lewis will provide hands-on classroom examples of how to implement the Biological Science Curriculum in the Primary years through the perspective of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Science Elaborations and Cross Curriculum Priority.

Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) & 16 (Justice).

VENUE: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, BAYSWATER WA

TIME and DATE: Thursday 11 April, 2019

3.30-5.00pm (3.30-4pm for networking and afternoon tea; 4-5pm workshop)

COST: $10 members & subscribers; $20 others




Conversations with Paul Willaway and Elaine Lewis … for National Reconciliation Week



Paul, the Co-Chair and Noongar Cultural Consultant of the OWC Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group will engage attendees with some enlightening truth-telling.  Elaine, also a member of the OWC RAP Working Group, will share exciting developments arising from the implementation of the OWC’s current ‘Innovate’ RAP.

Come along, bring your lunch and join in a stimulating conversation about some of the truths at the basis of the shared journey of Reconciliation we are walking together.

VENUE: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, BAYSWATER WA

TIME and DATE: Wednesday 29th May at 12.30pm

COST: Free

BRING: Your lunch and readiness to join the conversation

No registration is required for this event, please contact or 93719133 for further information or inquiries.



National Reconciliation Week (NRW) runs annually from 27 May to the 3 June. These dates mark two significant events in Australia’s Reconciliation journey, the 1967 Referendum and Mabo Day. The theme for NRW 2019 is GROUNDED IN TRUTH – Walking Together in Courage. This theme addresses the courage that it takes to engage in a process of speaking and listening to find a common ground of truth.

“At the heart of reconciliation is the relationship between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. To foster positive race relations, our relationship must be grounded in a foundation of truth.”

You can find our more about NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK here:

Resources available on the NRW2019 homepage include information about the 1967 Referendum, Mabo Day, and a Time Line of Reconciliation. You can also find lists of Recommended Reading and Recommended Viewing.