Supporting the OWC

There are several ways you can support the work of the One World Centre:

– become a subscriber to the OWC Library

– donate to the OWC Library Fund

– general support for the OWC

– become a member of the OWC

– become a Life Member of the OWC

If you want to find out more about supporting the OWC in any of the above-listed ways, please send an email to

 OWC Library Fund (tax deductable)

Assist with the development and purchase of specialised global education resources for the OWC library by contributing to this tax deductible fund. The resources are an invaluable support for the professional development program for teachers and student teachers and are also used for community education activities.

Donate to the OWC Library Fund

General support for the work of the OWC (*not tax deductable.)

Contribute to the work of the OWC by making a donation to provide support for the professional development program for teachers and student teachers and for community engagement programs.

Life Membership of the OWC (for individuals) *

Contribute to the work of the OWC by becoming a life member with a one off payment of $500.00.  OWC membership entitles you to borrow resources from the library and to receive newsletters and invitations to OWC events. [Membership]