New program in WA curriculum- Global Citizenship and Sustainability

An exciting new program with a focus on global citizenship and sustainability has just been introduced to the WA senior secondary curriculum. Global Citizenship and Sustainability.  This unit will be ideal for Years 10 to 12 students and schools looking for: Integrated Learning – The 2018 pilot at Shenton College has demonstrated the program’s suitability for integrated Continue Reading

UNAA-WA – Human Rights, Citizenship and Sustainability Prize Opportunities for Students 2018

Planning your term 3 activities over the break? These prizes from the UNAA WA Global Citizenship Schools Program are an excellent way to incorporate global competency building citizenship and sustainability projects into your Semester 2 classes.  2018 Students’ Global Goals Challenge The Global Goals challenge is a great way to transform your students’ big ideas Continue Reading

Term 2 OWC Library Newsletter

The OWC Global Education Library Term 2 Newsletter is now up on the Library Webpage. Our Term 2 newsletter includes information about: The Global Education Publications now available to loan as CLASS SETS. These  include the “ART OF GOVERNANCE”, an excellent resource for HASS: Civics and Citizenship; examples of the hands-on Simulation Games available in Continue Reading