NSW coal mines in the pipeline are ‘bigger than Adani’, Lock the Gate says

The amount of new coal mining output being assessed by the NSW government eclipses the Adani megamine proposed for Queensland and dwarfs its carbon emissions, according to analysis by Lock the Gate. A review of 10 major new mines or extension projects with key decision points during the coming year shows the potential for 75 million tonnes of annual Continue Reading

New modelling confirms NEG designed to shut door on renewables

According to RenewEconomy.com.au , a web-site focusing on clean energy news and analysis, and climate policy, the latest modelling for the federal Coalition’s proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG) confirms the new policy would effectively shut the door on new renewable investment at national level in the next decade. The modelling is part of a 50 Continue Reading

Australia: 100 % renewable energy by 2030?

Australia can have an electricity grid entirely run by renewable energy by 2030, according to a new research paper by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA). The paper, 100% Renewable Grid by 2030, says the target can be achieved by accelerating the installation of wind and solar power by 80% backed up by pumped hydro energy storage facilities and Continue Reading