Upcoming Workshop: Engaging with the Aboriginal Context in 2017

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FOR TEACHERS. ONE WORLD CENTRE WORKSHOP – 15 JUNE 2017 ENGAGING WITH THE ABORIGINAL CONTEXT IN 2017 Are you involved in teaching and learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories in the HASS curriculum? (e.g. ACHASSK083, ACHASSK086, ACHASSK107, ACHASSK135, ACDSEH104, ACDSEH106) Have you deeply and meaningfully embedded the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Continue Reading

Wonderful Community Project Celebration

On February 20  we celebrated three collaborative community projects completed in 2016. The night was full of amazing cultural performances, delicious food and videos looking back on each project. We thank all of those involved, particularly William Langford Community House, the Town of Bassendean, Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre and Lotterywest.