Botanicals: Environmental Art using Gel Print Making 18 Nov.

Botanicals: Environmental Art using Gel Print Making led by Barbara van Gool (Barbwire Arthouse).

This hands-on Visual Art workshop, linked with the Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority, will:
* Expose, provide experience, explore and use different materials and techniques to make artworks.
* Develop artistic skills through experimentation with shape, colour, line, space, texture and value.
The workshop is suitable for Middle Primary – Secondary Teachers and other interested people. No previous experience is needed.
This workshop links with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3. Wellbeing; 12. Responsible Consumption and Production; and 15. Life on Land

Date/time: Thursday 18 November 2021 3.30-5pm

Venue: One World Centre

COST: $15 members, $25 non members


Flyer: Botanicals on 18 Nov 21

For other enquiries contact the One World Centre or phone (08) 9371 9133