WHERE HAVE ALL THE POLLINATORS GONE? with Dr Elaine Lewis 16 August, 2023

In this workshop Elaine will investigate the insect crisis and provide classroom examples of how to embed the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander and Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priorities in Biological Science, with particular reference to a Two-Way Science perspective in a Primary context.

When: Thursday, Wednesday 16 Aug, 2023

Where: One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater

Cost Members $15, Non-Members $20

Trybooking: https://www.trybooking.com/CJKYL

Booking QR:




Flyer:Where Have All The Pollinators Gone?



Join us on Saturday morning 8th July, from 9.30-11.30 at the One World Centre.

Honouring Our Elders: This morning tea celebration and community art activity will bring together Indigenous artist Melissa Spillman and a diverse group of community members to reflect on the 2023 NAIDOC theme, “For Our Elders!”  Through story-telling and yarning about Noongar culture, and the creation of a unique Acknowledgment to Country plaque for the One World Centre (OWC) we will honour our Elders.

We would love to have your company and would value your input.

RSVP coordinator@oneworldcentre.org.au

Free event – morning tea included!


Supporting Self Determination and VOICE overseas and at home: through volunteers with ‘everything and nothing’

A dialogue with Bill Armstrong former AVI CEO and Doyen Radcliffe Community First Development Regional Manager.

Saturday 19 August   2.30-4.30pm

John McGrath community hall 97 Hensman Street, South Perth

RSVP to Drpeterdevereux@gmail.com by 16 August for catering purposes

Full details and flyer:Up-coming-Workshops and Events 2023