One World Centre professional learning presenters – calling for expressions of interest

The One World Centre is developing a pool of casual professional learning presenters to present occasional workshops to teaching staff in schools, pre-service teachers in universities and educators in early learning centres. One World Centre Professional Learning Workshops One World Centre workshops aim to equip educators with the tools to foster active global citizenship through Continue Reading

Two terrific workshops coming up for educators – 17th & 18th March 2015

Tuesday 17th March:1pm-4.30pm at the One World Centre, 5 King William Street, Bayswater Young children as global citizens: connecting to and contributing to the world. A half-day workshop for early childhood educators Young children are connected to a changing world in many ways and with the right support are able to act to improve their Continue Reading

Going global from the start: workshop especially for graduate teachers

Upcoming event: “Going global from the start: a half day workshop especially for graduate teachers.” Wednesday 3rd December, 9.30 – 12.30 @ the OWC in Bayswater. Consider how your own teaching philosophy, classroom set-up, resource use and lesson ideas can support students to be active global citizens from the start, and take away resources and Continue Reading