Celebrating Primary STEM with Dr Elaine Lewis 24 Nov.

Celebrating Primary STEM

Dr Elaine Lewis

In this small group workshop Elaine will provide class-room examples of how to embed the Sustainability and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander, Cross Curriculum Priorities across all Learning Areas, especially in a Primary STEM context.

Download Flyer:  Celebrating STEM 24 Nov 2021

Date and Time:

                  Wednesday 24 November, 2021 3:30pm – 5:00pm 

(3.30-4pm afternoon tea and networking, 4.00-5pm workshop)


5 King William St, Bayswater.


$15 members; $25 non-members

Register now  through TRYBOOKING:


Further enquiries: owc@oneworldcentre.org.au or phone (08) 9371 9133