Unique cross-cultural engagement kits
The One World Centre’s popular Discovery Boxes have been reorganised and revitalised for 21st Century global learners. Our discovery boxes are now aligned to the SCSA WA Curriculum and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The boxes contain resources that teachers can use to create unique, hands-on learning experiences.
We have Boxes compiled to meet the Technologies – Design learning area, including Boxes demonstrating Food production and preparation as well as Fibre production and uses from countries of each continent. Geography Boxes contain everyday items such as currency, flag, and symbols specific to the country. We offer Boxes with sets of Musical Instruments from many countries. For ELYF, we have a box of instruments for small hands.
The beautiful resources that make up our Discovery Boxes are there to be handled by students and are designed to inspire inquiry based learning.
COUNTRIES with discovery boxes including textiles and clothing, food technologies, musical instruments, festivals and other cultural materials include:
- Bolivia
- China
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Laos
- Thailand
Click here for a complete list of Discovery Boxes
Click here for the Early Years Collection
Click here to search the Library Catalogue
Search by Content Descriptor, Subject terms or AC Code (for example, Economics fair-trade Bolivia, or Festival Religion Tibet).
Example Online Catalogue Entry