Measuring Indigenous Outcomes & Expenditure in the Kimberley & Pilbara

A study commissioned by the State Government and carried out by researchers from The University of Western Australia has provided the first detailed analysis of government service provision and expenditure in the Kimberley and the Pilbara and its impact on Indigenous communities.

Lead researcher Professor Paul Flatau, Director of UWA Centre for Social Impact said the report showed that Indigenous outcomes differed significantly between areas within the Kimberley and the Pilbara, highlighting the need for local area assessment.“For example there are vast differences in education, health and employment outcomes between sub-regions,” Professor Flatau said.“The report also highlights that health expenditure accounts for the highest share of Indigenous-specific government spending in the regions.”

The study examined 12 sub-regions over the 2015/16 financial year. The researchers assessed areas relating to governance, leadership and culture, early child development, education and training, health, economic participation, home environment and safe and supportive communities.

Executive Director, Regional Services Reform Unit, Paul Isaachsen said the study highlighted the need for government policies and programs to take into account the significant differences in demographics, geography and economy in the regions and between regions, in order to provide services that achieve positive outcomes.


For more information and for access to the report go to the Centre for Social Impact: