One World Centre /Friends of Oxfam AGMs and EVENT

Save the date, Saturday 22 September for the One World Centre and Friends of Oxfam Annual General Meetings and Lunch Event.
Join us for Conversation and Lunch with Dr Caroline Marsh
‘Inspired Stories of youth action on the Sustainable Development Goals’
22 September 2018 marks the beginning of Global Goals Week. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an ambitious plan to ‘Transform our World’ in the face of complex ecological, social and human rights challenges which call upon all individuals and sectors of society to the urgent task of healing and securing our common world. To mark this week, Caroline Marsh will discuss Global Goals Action in WA and share examples of how young people are recognising and addressing urgent global challenges by participating in local action in their schools and communities.
Dr Caroline Marsh is a WA leader in the field of Global Education. She is the Education Coordinator at the One World Centre
You are also welcome to come for the One World Centre AGM at 10:30am and/or the Friends of Oxfam AGM at 1pm, following lunch.
WHEN? 11am Saturday, 22 September 2018.
WHERE? One World Centre, 5 King William St Bayswater (Oxfam building).
REGISTER ONLINE AT:– by 20 September
COST?  $10 for lunch
One World Centre Inc 5 King William St, Bayswater
Phone (08) 9371 9133 email website: