Assist with the development and purchase of specialised global education resources for the OWC library by contributing to this tax deductible fund. The resources are an invaluable support for the professional development program for teachers and student teachers and are also used for community education activities.
If you wish to enquire about donating to the library fund please send an email to, or make a donation by one of the methods below.
Donate to One World Centre Library Appeal
Donate online
Direct Debit
(for a single donation or regular donations)
Name of Account: One World Centre Library Fund
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 152758769
Narrative for OWC bank statement: LF + your surname + your initials (e.g. LF Jones MJ)
Please email the OWC to notify us that you have made a donation –
Cheque made out to the One World Centre Library Fund
Please send cheques and postal details for a receipt to:
One World Centre
5 King William Street
Bayswater WA 6053