
You can download recent publications from the One World Centre and the Global Education Project from the links below. Hard copies are available from the One World Centre in Bayswater. Visiting us would also give you a good opportunity to see all the other resources available in the One World Centre library

The Poverty Priority coverThe Poverty Priority

A secondary school Geography teaching resource for Years 7 to 10, The Poverty Priority consists of four global education inquiries relating to themes of community, urbanisation, trade and wellbeing. Students are guided to reflect on what it means to be rich and poor, to make connections between their own lives and the lives of others, and to discover how our global future is dependent on those connections. The Poverty Priority provides teachers with information and strategies to illuminate the complexity surrounding poverty, responses to poverty, and to increase students understanding, skills and motivation to make a difference as active global citizens.

Click here to download (PDF – 2MB)

What Matters Most coverWhat Matters Most? Exploring poverty with upper primary students.

What Matters Most? is a resource book packed with lesson ideas and resources designed to help upper primary teachers approach the topic of global poverty in a meaningful way. What Matters Most? helps students become aware of the serious challenges the human community faces, as well as looking at possibilities for hope and change. This book gives teachers the tools to bring rich global learning experiences to the classroom – increasing knowledge, fostering new skills, questioning values, and encouraging realistic action for positive global citizenship.

Click here to download (PDF – 3MB)

All's Well coverAll’s Well? Exploring the world of water with upper primary students

All’s Well? is a resource book for upper primary teachers — packed with lesson ideas and resources to bring the world of water to the classroom. All’s Well? helps students become aware of the tough challenges the human community faces regarding water, as well as looking at possibilities for hope and change. This book gives teachers the tools to bring rich global learning experiences to the classroom — increasing knowledge, fostering new skills, questioning values, and encouraging realistic action for positive global citizenship.

Click here to download (PDF – 4MB)

Geographies of Human Wellbeing coverGeographies of Human Wellbeing

Geographies of Human Wellbeing explores the nature of wellbeing using indicators and online data analysed using a variety of ICT and mapping techniques. It is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Geography – Year 10, Unit 2: Geographies of human wellbeing.

Click here to download (PDF – 4MB)

The One World Centre also has limited copies of selected Global Education Project publications. Details can be found on the Global Education Website.