Teaching Activities

Click on the links below to download individual teaching activities ready for use in your class.

Global Fact Match

This activity can be used as an introduction to examining global issues in a variety of situations. As well as increasing participants’ knowledge about particular global challenges, it also raises ideas about viewing places in new and unexpected ways, and understanding more about how people across the globe are increasingly interconnected.

Click here to download (PDF – 400KB)

Simulation – Daily Life in an Indian Village

This lesson introduces students to ideas about what it is like to live in a place where water is not necessarily clean or readily accessible, and promotes discussion about how this may influence life in positive and negative ways. Students are given a list of tasks to complete that represent different aspects of daily life. All children have the same tasks, but some children have easier access to a water supply than others. This simulation game is designed for groups of 10-30 children, aged 7 years and over. It should take about 45 minutes to an hour to run.

Click here to download (PDF – 700KB)

The Lolly Game – Modelling the State of the World

Students take part in a human model to visualise statistics relating to global wellbeing and resource distribution and consider what this reveals about inequality globally and within Australia.

The lolly game 1

The Lolly Game 2

Timeline for Reconciliation

This interactive activity is an introduction to the history of reconciliation in Australia, and an important lead in to helping students gain an understanding of the experiences of Aboriginal people, of conflicts and injustice that have occurred, and how movements for change have made a difference.

Click here to download (PDF – 250KB)

Ideas for Graduate Teachers

This collection of material came out of the 2013 ‘Going global from the start’ workshop for new teaching graduates, and includes a range of ideas for bringing a global perspective to the classroom, through activities, teaching practices and choosing of resources.

Download ‘Tips for new graduates’ (PDF – 370KB)

Download ‘Make a list’ activity (PDF – 300KB)

Download ‘Checklist for analysing resources’ (PDF – 315KB)

Download ‘Communities of inquiry’ presentation (PP presentation – 650KB)

Asia-Australian Connections

This list of connections between Australia and Asian countries came from research conducted during a workshop with teachers from Coolbinia Primary School in 2014. It may assist teachers thinking about how to implement the Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia cross-curriculum priority.

Download ‘Australia’s connections with Asian countries’ list (22KB)

Maths lesson on SDG1 – to end poverty

Throughout this lesson, pupils will be asked to estimate, calculate and compare various statistics that describe poverty and other aspects of globalisation.


Literacy lesson on SDG1 – to end poverty

  • This lesson was created for the following objectives:
  • To become aware of the UN ‘global goals’/Sustainable Development Goals.
  • To explore what ‘poverty’ means and the impact it can have on people.
  • To investigate different causes of poverty around the world.
  • To be inspired by projects and people who are helping to reduce poverty.
  • To understand how to take small actions to help achieve global goals.


The Toilet Privilege Race

If life were a race, how much of a head start would you have because of your ‘toilet privilege’? Having a private, hygienic toilet can help you get ahead. Struggling to access sanitation services can seriously hold you back. Find out what your ‘toilet privilege’ is compared to people around the world.


ABC Splash

Over 3000 videos, games and resources mapped to the Australian Curriculum.
