The latest edition of the One World Centre Library newsletter is now available. Contents include: The Global Climate Strike and the UN Climate Summit; UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: The Climate Action Goal; Sustainable Schools: WA’s own Climate Action Schools; Climate Action and Global Education – changing minds, not the climate; New additions to the Continue Reading
UN Climate Action Summit 2019
On the 23rd of September in New York, world leaders, businesses and civil societies came together to announce plans to improve the climate crisis. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres had this to say in his opening speech: “The best science, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, tells us that any temperature rise above Continue Reading
Peace Day
UNAAWA INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE CELEBRATION Fremantle Town Hall, 2 – 4 pm, 22 September 2019 Invitation to Join Us in the Partners for Peace Fair The United Nations Association of Australia (WA Division) is part of a world-wide peoples movement supporting the ideals and work of the United Nations. We invite you or your Continue Reading