Early Childhood Educators



Teaching and learning with a global perspective supports children as they navigate their current life world and create and understand their future life world within an increasingly globalized environment. From an early age children can become global citizens: active, responsible, compassionate young people who will continue to have a positive influence on the future of the global community”(Thinking Globally, 2008)


Early Childhood – INTRO NEWSLETTER

Young children are connected to a changing world in many ways and with the right support are able to act to improve their society and environment. A global perspective in the early years can broaden children’s experience of the world and give them the knowledge and skills to help them navigate their world now and into the future.  Young children can learn about:

  • places in the world and the connections they have with those places;
  • ways they see the world and how others see the world differently;
  • things they have in common with, and things they can learn from people of many cultures;
  • ideas of fairness and how people’s actions have consequences for others;
  • developing empathy for and building peaceful relationships with others;
  • the importance of the natural environment and how they can care for it.

The One World Centre provides a range of professional learning services for educators working in family daycare, long day care and other early childhood services. Our workshops are interactive, relevant, and assist educators to implement key aspects of the National Quality Standard and Early Years Learning Framework.  Participants will expand their own knowledge of global issues, take away practical strategies to use in their service and explore the One World Centre’s collection of globally focused early childhood resources.

Choose a 1 hour workshop from:

  • Global Citizenship in Early Childhood
  • Cultural Diversity & Identity in Early Childhood
  • Sustainability in Early Childhood

If you would like to know more, or make a workshop booking,please contact us via email: owc@oneworldcentre.org.au or call on 9371 9133

little green steps logo WA- transparent

We also work in partnership with Little Green Steps WA  who support education for sustainability in the early years.

To view the dates and details of upcoming OWC workshops, click here to visit the UPCOMING EVENTS page.

To access the teaching resources available online, click here to visit our RESOURCES PORTAL.

For information about teaching resources available in the One World Centre Library, click here to visit our LIBRARY