The One World Centre has a series of fabulous teaching resource books, published by the Global Education Project, which are now available directly from the One World Centre.
Thinking Globally: Global perspectives in the early years classroom
A valuable tool for early years educators, this resource book includes a large range of teaching ideas for fostering a global perspective in the early years. The cross-curricula activities outlined explore the concepts of linking with others, personal identity, dimensions of change, social justice, rights, peace building and sustainability. Also includes a CD-ROM with digital resources which compliment the lesson materials outlined in the book.
The Poverty Priority: A secondary school geography teaching resource for years 7 to 10.
In this book for teachers of secondary Geography, the topic of poverty is addressed in a series of four globally focussed inquiries relating to the themes of community, urbanisation, trade and well-being. Students are guided to reflect on what it means to be rich and poor, to make connections between their own lives and the lives of others, and to discover how our global future is dependent on these connections. All activities are linked directly to the Australian curriculum: Geography for years 7 to 10.
A “silent tsunami”: Global food security in the 21st Century
This book investigates the issue of food security, equity and sustainability, and includes a range of facts, case studies and lesson ideas for bringing the complex challenges of food security to the classroom. This book is especially useful for teachers of year 9 geography.
All’s Well? Exploring the world of water with upper primary students
Full of lesson ideas and resources which can bring the world of water alive in the classroom. This book gives teachers the tools to bring rich global learning experiences to the classroom – fostering new skills, questioning values, and encouraging realistic action for positive global citizenship. Includes direct links to the Australian Curriculum across a range of learning areas.
What Matters Most? Exploring poverty with upper primary students
A resource book packed with lesson ideas and resources designed to help upper primary teachers approach the topic of global poverty in a meaningful way. What Matters Most helps students become aware of the serious challenges facing the human community, as well as looking at possibilities for hope and change. Includes direct links to the Australian Curriculum across a range of learning areas.
Other titles are also available. There is currently no charge for the books, but a postage & handling fee does apply.
To find out more, or to make an order, please email: