The One World Centre’s term one program of workshops and events is up!
We’re focusing on several priority areas for teachers and schools in WA and approaching these from the global education perspective, with an emphasis on whole-systems approaches, sustainability, intercultural competence and active citizenship.
Term One Focal Points
  • building skills in digital technologies in the primary years (DET WA, Focus 2018);
  • building global competence and 21st century citizenship capabilities (OECD/PISA; NSW Dept of Education);
  • understanding and implementing explicit classroom teaching methodologies (DET WA, Focus 2018);
  • implementing the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework”(DET WA, Focus 2018);
  • mainstreaming GCED and ESD, including gender equality and human rights, in education. (UN SDG 4, Indicator 4.7); and
  • as usual, lots of imagination, creativity and fun together in the library and outdoors (informal OWC Operations Plan).
For further information and to register for workshops and events, go to our “upcoming events” page.
Caroline for the OWC Ed. Team.